Having worked in customer service for a few years, I would always pride myself on providing outstanding service. My very first job out of university was for a financial services call center. My supervisor always told me to be sincere and treat a customer as if they were my friend. It's hard to find a company that has the same philosophy. I promised myself that if I ever received outstanding service from a company, I would take the time to recognize them. I am so happy to say that I have found such a company.
I have placed two orders on the website so far. Each time I've been so incredibly impressed. I was literally blown away when I received an email an hour after placing my order telling me that my order had been shipped! My first order arrived within a few days. It was very well packaged.
Aside from the affordable products and very reasonable shipping cost, what has also stood out to me is the fact that the co-founder (Myriam) takes the time to send personalized thank you emails. All of these elements combined make for a successful business model in my opinion. Orabel is doing it right! The company has set the bar high! This company deserves our support...
Thank you so much to Vicki, Contour Chronicles for this amazing blog post!
Check out her full blog post here: Orabel has set the bar very high!